*Please note that surveys are now closed and results/response to them will be published in due course*
2nd April 2020, 5pm
COVID-19 has caused unprecedented changes to film and TV production around the world. In the UK, nearly all production has halted. At this time of extreme uncertainty, we know that many of you in Bristol have either lost work, or face losing work.
The Government announced financial support measures for businesses affected by the coronavirus outbreak on 16th March. A further announcement confirming financial support measures for self-employed workers was made on 26th March.
In order to lobby and influence local and national intervention, Bristol Film Office & The Bottle Yard Studios (divisions of Bristol City Council’s Culture & Creative Industries team) are now asking for survey responses from Bristol’s film, TV and media businesses and freelancers.
If you are a freelancer or self-employed worker, based in and around Bristol and employed by the film, TV and media sector, please complete our FREELANCER SURVEY.
If you represent a business (small or large) that services the film, TV, moving image and media industry in and around Bristol, please complete our BUSINESSES SURVEY.
Responses received before 4pm on Wednesday 8th April will be compiled and shared with Bristol City Council’s Economic Development team, senior leaders, councillors, local MPs and local/national sector bodies.
Data will be compiled and analysed collectively. Any information you provide will contribute to how we lobby local and central Government and support the local sector to recover from the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.
Thank you for your participation.
Bristol Film Office & The Bottle Yard Studios
Hardship support
- The new Covid-19 Film and TV Emergency Relief Fund will be delivered by The Film & TV Charity in partnership with the BFI. £1m has been donated by Netflix and £500,000 by the BBC. Eligibility criteria is yet to be announced but the Fund will be open to those working in production, distribution and exhibition. Register for the mailing list to be first to hear when the Fund launches.
- Those in immediate need can apply to The Film and TV Charity’s existing Hardship Fund, which offers grants of up to £500 to provide stop-gap support.
- Arts Council England’s £160m emergency support package includes £20m allocated for individuals (artists, creative practitioners and freelancers). Round one opens for applications on 9 April. More info here.
Further information
- Association of Independent Professionals & Self-Employed (IPSE): Covid-19 Hub
- BECTU: Covid-19 advice for freelancers working in film & TV and email your MP tool
- BFI: Answering questions from the screen sector – information for freelancers, self employed, productions, cinemas and venues
- Creative Industries Federation: Covid-19 guidance from the sector
- Directors UK: FAQs for members and freelancers
- Equity: Guidance and financial support
- The Film + TV Charity support line (0800 054 0000) and web chat, open 24/7 to offer advice, signposting and a listening ear
- Pact: Covid-19 update for indies
- The Production Guild of Great Britain: Covid-19 advice
- ScreenSkills: Supporting our workforce during the Covid-19 crisis
The Writers’ Guild of Great Britain: Guidance and financial support